积分商城:第004期 不一样的双12!凯酷键盘团购 1外设币参团

作者:zibu31|发布时间:2012-12-11 15:41:28
[摘要]欢迎各位会员参加外设天下积分商城《第004期 不一样的双12!凯酷键盘团购 1外设币参团》团购活动。本期活动的物品是凯酷(KEYCOOL)87/104侧刻忍者限定版机械键盘。这次我们采用外设币兑换的方式,只需交纳1个外设币 ...
欢迎各位会员参加外设天下积分商城《第003期 不一样的双12!凯酷键盘团购 1外设币参团》团购活动。 本期活动的物品是凯酷(KEYCOOL)87/104侧刻忍者限定版机械键盘。这次我们采用外设币兑换的方式,只需交纳1个外设币,即可获得团购资格,5人一组即可发货。 活动时间:2012年12月12日“双十二”零点开始,持续一个月 购买方式:淘宝直接购买,说明自己是外设天下网友,并附上兑换截图。届时还有鼠标垫(鼠标垫已送完,现送金属键帽!)赠送! 更新:160把团购价键盘已售完,感谢大家的热情支持。为回馈坛友,现在以原价购买,可送价值68元的PBT淡彩键帽一套仅限外设天下坛友,请说明自己是外设天下网友,并附上兑换截图 购买链接:凯酷指定天猫商城 - 派来尔数码 [url=http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3.0.228.Vh8cp0&id=20464020771&]http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3.0.228.Vh8cp0&id=20464020771&[/url] 团购商品: [table=70%] [tr][td] 键盘型号[/td][td] 颜色[/td][td] 轴体[/td][td] 原价[/td][td] 团购价 [/td][/tr] [tr][td] 凯酷87侧刻忍者 POM键帽[/td][td] 黑色[/td][td] 黑轴[/td][td] 398元[/td][td] 348元(售完)[/td][/tr] [tr][td] 凯酷87侧刻忍者 POM键帽[/td][td] 黑色[/td][td] 青轴[/td][td] 398元[/td][td]348元(售完)[/td][/tr] [tr][td] 凯酷87侧刻忍者 POM键帽[/td][td] 黑色[/td][td] 茶轴[/td][td] 428元[/td][td]378元(售完)[/td][/tr] [tr][td] 凯酷87侧刻忍者 POM键帽[/td][td] 黑色[/td][td] 红轴[/td][td] 428元[/td][td]378元(售完)[/td][/tr] [tr][td] 凯酷87侧刻忍者 PBT键帽[/td][td] 白色[/td][td] 黑轴[/td][td] 398元[/td][td]348元(售完)[/td][/tr] [tr][td] 凯酷87侧刻忍者 PBT键帽[/td][td] 白色[/td][td] 青轴[/td][td] 398元[/td][td]348元(售完)[/td][/tr] [tr][td] 凯酷87侧刻忍者 PBT键帽[/td][td] 白色[/td][td] 茶轴[/td][td] 428元[/td][td]378元(售完)[/td][/tr] [tr][td] 凯酷87侧刻忍者 PBT键帽[/td][td] 白色[/td][td] 红轴[/td][td] 428元[/td][td]378元(售完)[/td][/tr] [tr][td] 凯酷104侧刻忍者 POM键帽[/td][td] 黑色[/td][td] 黑轴[/td][td] 448元[/td][td]398元(售完)[/td][/tr] [tr][td] 凯酷104侧刻忍者 POM键帽[/td][td] 黑色[/td][td] 青轴[/td][td] 448元[/td][td]398元(售完)[/td][/tr] [tr][td] 凯酷104侧刻忍者 POM键帽[/td][td] 黑色[/td][td] 茶轴[/td][td] 478元[/td][td]428元(售完)[/td][/tr] [tr][td] 凯酷104侧刻忍者 POM键帽[/td][td] 黑色[/td][td] 红轴[/td][td] 478元[/td][td]428元(售完)[/td][/tr] [tr][td] 凯酷104侧刻忍者 PBT键帽[/td][td] 白色[/td][td] 黑轴[/td][td] 448元[/td][td]398元(售完)[/td][/tr] [tr][td] 凯酷104侧刻忍者 PBT键帽[/td][td] 白色[/td][td] 青轴[/td][td] 448元[/td][td]398元(售完)[/td][/tr] [tr][td] 凯酷104侧刻忍者 PBT键帽[/td][td] 白色[/td][td] 茶轴[/td][td] 478元[/td][td]428元(售完)[/td][/tr] [tr][td] 凯酷104侧刻忍者 PBT键帽[/td][td] 白色[/td][td] 红轴[/td][td] 478元[/td][td]428元(售完)[/td][/tr] [/table]

积分商城:第004期 不一样的双12!凯酷键盘团购 1外设币参团 积分商城:第004期 不一样的双12!凯酷键盘团购 1外设币参团 积分商城:第004期 不一样的双12!凯酷键盘团购 1外设币参团 积分商城:第004期 不一样的双12!凯酷键盘团购 1外设币参团 积分商城:第004期 不一样的双12!凯酷键盘团购 1外设币参团

感谢凯酷(KEYCOOL)上海派来尔数码专营店对本次活动的大力支持! auction
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  • 会员头像
    zu7dao  2017-10-27 09:30:29
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    LaoQiang  2017-03-30 21:59:05
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    Furious  2017-03-30 08:25:35
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    放肆D找  2017-03-08 18:11:40
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    quwei80  2017-01-18 20:41:37
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    nykepu36xd  2013-11-04 19:16:18
    -Om volymerna blir fel spelar det ingen roll hur snygga husen blir. F?rlamningen har g?tt tillbaka s? gott som helt. Om en ordlek kan urs?ktas - Caputos bok fl?dar ?ver av s?dana - ?r det om?jliga det enda m?jliga n?r det m?jliga visat sig vara om?jligt. En st?derska klassades som s?kerhetsrisk eftersom hon vid n?got tidigare tillf?lle haft ett sommarjobb p? Ny Dags redaktion. Sk?despelarnamn som Mia Sk?ringer,Johan Rheborg,Felix Herngren,Josephine Bornebusch och Henrik Dorsin gmonclere inte saken s?mre,moncler. Emir Bajramis och Rasmus Bengtssons Twente skr?llde rej?lt mot de regerande m?starna. Den har diskuterats med f?rsamlingsledningarna i de tre f?rsamlingarna och i samtal med en del av dem som regelbundet deltar i f?rsamlingslivet. Fast sv?ljer man bara denna utrerade nytraditionalism ?r det alldeles uppenbart att Stefan Spjut har full kontroll p? sin ber?ttelse,moncler, som r?r sig obevekligt och s?kert fram?t mot sin dystra final. Jag m?ste bara tv?tta snoppen". Nu menar Jacob Dalborg att trenden ?r att prioritera svenska f?rfattare p? bekostnad av anglosaxiska,moncler, men han betonar att pr beh?vs. Nu s?ker jag ett heltidsjobb men inte i ?rj?ng utan i Karlstad,N?r han i s?ndags skrev p? ett kontrakt med Colorado - klubben som han vann Stanley cup med 1995-1996 och 2000-2001 - var det med tv? f?rhoppningar: Att f? spela ishockey p? monclerniv? och hj?lpa laget till slutspel, Han ordnade d?rf?r en procession d?r bilen k?rdes l?ngsamt fram p? New Yorks gator med ett stort monclerarrangemang p? huven, Det skulle rentav kunna vara en po?ng - om syftet ?r en h?gergir,moncler. Efterhand b?rjade ?ven samh?llets moncler att medverka i monclerarna,moncler, men naturligtvis anonymt. Thaliapris f 35- Lindy Larsson f att han i tv upps p Malm stadsteater,Kajsa Giertz dansteater Carmen och Ronny Danielssons/Klas Abrahamssons moncler homosex-collage All we need is love,s sj formulerat sina rollfigurer genom dans,.br/rede-de-negocios/groups/moncler-stovlar-onlines-2013-billigt-flicka-nederlanderna-flerfargad/, drama och s />Jag har alltid att uttrycka mig konstn p de tre s F k jag det n som en nackdel att jag var s splittrad. Den kan ge upphov till en allergisk reaktion om man har otur. Detta ?r sj?lvfallet inte Cas syfte men det blir ?nd? resultaten av deras agerande. Foto: Folkets BioI andras ?gon b?rjar stilriktigt p? en restaurang. Hon ?verl?t sig som Kristi brud 1962 och gav sig h?n ?t tystnad,moncler, sp?kelser och straff till dess hon fick konkret fysiska sjukdomar,moncler, som om hennes kropp och sj?l gav upp inf?r den st?ndiga bristen p? empatiska samtal och tankeverksamhet. Med SD-argument av den tyngden det n man ser fram emot en valr d de kampanjar f detta,?do=/blog/32717/moncler-jackor-outlet-store-2014-?kta-flicka-sverige-r?d/. Det bevisades ?ven under helgen att det inte bara ?r Adam i familjen Janson som kan ?ka monclerskidor. - M?nga som k?nner mig h?r i Europa och som har l?st boken har sagt att de inte k?nner igen bilden som ges av mig. Och s? ?r det f?rvisso betr?ffande k?rnvapen och till stor del ?ven betr?ffande biologiska och kemiska vapen. Hur kommer det sig,moncler, blev Zlatans memoarer f?r popul?r som e-bok? I Nelken (1982) ?r scenen att hav av rosa nejlikor som trampas ned. Davidson lyckades som f? kombinera ett produktivt akademiskt liv med kulturella intressen och fysiska aktiviteter. Detta kunde inte bara bero p? att han var en produkt av den europeiska upplysningen - Franklin simmade i samma intellektuella str?mmar,moncler, men han saknade Jeffersons tv?ngsm?ssiga behov av ordning. Det var egentligen bara bolsjevismen som stod utanf?r hans idébygge. Sj s Jouni ut som om han g en match med en bulldozer.
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    pesan63ay0  2013-10-19 07:54:36
    a really big goal to go afterShe said she had been Danny girlfriend, and that Danny had been killed because he recognized one of his captors,, and then dumped at sea. Moreover, analysts are expecting Google to grow at an annualized rate of 15% for the next 5 years,, below the growth rate of 20% registered in the past five years.. There are several things that would have made this room worthy of 5star status: more towels (there were 2 bath towels and 3 hand towels total),, a coffee maker (the kitchenette had plates, cups,, wine glasses,, utensils,, pot for boiling water),replica ray bans, coffee, tea, sugar, usual basic needs that a normal hotel provides. Astudillo and his colleagues were also observers for the election. "I would say only drink them in moderation. (Rt. In addition to its laxative properties,, it is also used as a cathartic, meaning it purges the bowels. If I could avoid wearing them,, I would. Is a nonstarter. Ramirez . All my friends were shocked,, like why didnt I end up marrying a model I had dated previously. But it has also sparked much controversy, because rBGH boosts milks concentration of insulinlike growth factor (IGF),, a hormone thats been linked to cancer.Unlike steroid hormones,, which can be taken orally,.uk/jewelry/, rBGH and IGF must be injected to have any effect. While there are several commercially available systems which offer the 3D experience,, most or all have limitations in both the viewing experience as well as in further development of the technology. Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee teamup to codirect this Walt Disney Animation Studios production based on Hans Christian Andersons beloved fairy tale The Snow Queen. In addition, the effectiveness of the curve may increase over time,ray ban, so this needs to become tested at every optometrist visit. However, 30 years later,, the brand just hold its first fashion occasion. ,, or how valuable they think they are to society. From body acne to cellulite, bodies can pose some unique skincare challenges. They end the record with a muscular version of Dylan "My Back Pages",, a song covered by many, including fine versions by The Byrds and Steve Earle. Its one of the strangest dives I have ever done. The Glass team posted to its Google+ account Wednesday to explain that some applicants, originally being notified as winners, have now had their submissions disqualified. According to an article on the USA Today website, a 36yearold mother became irate at the loss and allegedly choked her daughter on two separate occasions.相关的主题文章: 2013 The Best Sunglasses For You YVXZQA5757 TYKZ580340 Discount Sunglasses Online Sale TXOIEA1032 YLGY250 Cheap Ray Bans PGROVY1306 TEQB602285 2013 The Best Sunglasses For You JPIJDU8434 BSIU460583 Fashion Sunglasses Online Store ESSQDO7847 ALQD799 Ray Ban 2013 New Fashion DSCKXP2385 DVSW417889 Ray Ban Wayfarer EAJGXA5096 VXDQ179325 A couple of the old customary wallets and handbags on offer are Cheap Sunglasses Online Store NXVBPJ3655 CKMB267658 And Joyce Roach of Frenchburg Cheap Ray Bans XISXBZ7148 PEWL301189 Cheap Sunglasses Online Store QFACFT5300 ABNY09805 Discount Sunglasses Online Sa 2013 The Best Sunglasses For Discount Sunglasses Online Sale SQYOBS9491 PGON368
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    sisonss000  2013-10-18 19:26:39
    while the ea have powers which can see them confiscate boats,x,(CNN) How could it happen here? This is the question plaguing residents of Newtown,/tiffanysoutlet.php,?mod=viewthread&tid=3078434&pid=3711151&page=1&extra=page=1#pid3711151, Conn.,/tiffanyoutlet.php, a pictureperfect country town with good schools,?mod=viewthread&tid=339&pid=647&page=1&extra=page=1#pid647, quiet streets and a strong sense of community. But small towns like Newtown are where 60% of rampage school shootings in the United States occur. Far from big urban centers where gun violence is common,, these communities are generally very safe. Though he spent a few nights staging at Alinea,,?mod=viewthread&tid=1635&pid=1780546&page=73&extra=page=1#pid1780546, and one of his ARASK cochefs, Daniel Castano,fake ray bans, works in a restaurant (hes currently opening a new place in Colombia), Cirino doubts hell follow the same path. "I dont know if Im strong enough for that,," he admits. "What Grant [Achatz] and his chefs do and what I do are so different. Sheldon is about to learn some more though,?NewsID=188, when hes called into HR by Mrs. Davis (Regina King). He doesnt know why though; "Im a delight!" he says. The law already requires you to have ID to register; samesex marriage is still against the law (although I trust and pray the new Dem majorities will fix that injustice). This is off the backs of the rights of a specific demographic of American citizen. I agree. "I was totally embarrassed. I was terrified Id be too big for the scales and even made my friend check with the Consultant first,, and I worried Id be the biggest person there,/cheaptiffany.php," she said. "I probably was the biggest but it didnt matter,, everyone was different shapes and sizes but we were all in the same boat and in it together.". I warmed up leftover cavatelli and peas and made chicken nuggets (all white meat no preservatives!). JD ate and I scanned his head over and over and saw nothingeven with my glasses on. After a successful week of showers,, JD was thrilled to take a bubble bath,,fake ray bans uk,?mod=space&uid=9286&do=blog&quickforward=1&id=1653, because the RID needed to sit for 10 minutes on his hair. And this isnt just me pulling an "Oh yeah, I totally see the hippo" moment on you guys. After my 15 minute session,/tiffanys.php,, I pulled off the earphones,, pulled off the glasses and just kind of sat back and said, "Wow. Did that really work?" And honestly,, yeah,, it did. She was waiting for me at the door when I came home. Her glasses had slid nearly to the tip of her nose and somehow shed found a red pencil (I certainly never brought any such thing into the house). I shuddered at the sight of my happy mornings labor marred by vicious slashes of red. Brand awareness refers to prospects capacity to recall and realize the brand below various circumstances and url for the brand name, emblem,/tiffany.php, jingles and so on to sure associations in reminiscence. An instance is Guess Shoes. Guess Designer Fashion Shoes are definitely not what Guess is recognized for,,?mod=viewthread&tid=65446&pid=160749&page=1&extra=page=1#pid160749, it is Guess Jeans.
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    niro123  2013-01-10 14:44:57
    还有吗 来晚了
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    love盈  2013-01-09 01:37:46
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    jcfans  2013-01-08 23:05:44
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    wxm4ever  2013-01-08 14:26:30
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    深度冰寒  2013-01-08 13:50:35
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    dzy121645  2013-01-08 11:28:25
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    leros  2013-01-08 11:01:38
    我兑换了凯酷87/104侧刻忍者限定版机械键盘, 就用了1外设币真爽啊
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    babyhol  2013-01-08 04:32:18
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    消失  2013-01-07 22:23:49
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    feiyaosp  2013-01-07 19:33:51
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    消失  2013-01-07 18:22:50
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    macfans  2013-01-07 14:25:17
    [i=s] 本帖最后由 macfans 于 2013-1-7 14:45 编辑 [/i]不喜欢那三个带灯的侧透按键,买了普通PBT 87回来自己换的侧刻
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