Noppoo Choc Mid 87 键盘 试用活动开启

作者:zibu31|发布时间:2012-10-25 17:40:00
[摘要]Noppoo Choc系列新成员MID87本月上市,如果你是一名机械键盘发烧友,如果你对我们新款的MID有着很大的兴趣,并且在使用后能有全面的客观的评价与大家分享。现在为你而量身打造的好活动来啦,我们将提供多个名额为天下 ...
第三批白色MID87报名已经启动,之前报过名或者得到黑色MID87评测的所有网友都可以继续参与报名,请加Noppoo活动QQ群 278525311 活动概述:Noppoo Choc系列新成员MID87本月上市,如果你是一名机械键盘发烧友,如果你对我们新款的MID有着很大的兴趣,并且在使用后能有全面的客观的评价与大家分享。现在为你而量身打造的好活动来啦,我们将提供多个名额为天下外设众精英免费试用Noppoo Choc Mid机械键盘。我们还将在这试用的名单中,选出评价优秀者,赠送Noppoo CHOC PRO 法拉利红特别限量版一台作为鼓励。 活动流程:   1、跟帖写出你可以完成此款键盘试用心得的几点理由,或者以往产品使用心得链接。   2、也可以发邮件至 [][/url] 至诺朴科技工作人员邮箱   3、参与评测网友请在收到产品后7天内写上产品使用心得发到键盘区,我们将评选优秀使用心得评测额外奖励Noppoo CHOC PRO RF红色法拉利POM测刻限量版。   4、首批试用10月29日公布,第二批11月6日公布,第三批将是白色款的试用将于产品到货后公布预计11月下旬(报名继续接受,候选名单依然有效,我们会不断更新,之前发过邮件确认信息的不需要再发送了我们都有记录。),我们将按照报名情况选出5-15名理由充份的达人免费试用产品,并最终送出额外奖励限量版产品。 试用产品介绍:

Noppoo Choc Mid 无冲突便携式机械键盘(款式:黑键盘蓝色印字、白键盘红色印字,轴类:黑轴、青轴、茶轴、红轴)

- 德国原装Cherry机械开关,手感长久保持。 - USB全键区任意按键无冲突支持,游戏玩家的最佳选择。 - ABS特殊工艺亮彩覆膜印字键帽,护目舒适美观耐用。 - 人性化多媒体功能,窄边框经典87键位设计,方便使用。 - 做工精细扎实,外置磁环,USB镀金接口。


[img][/img] [img][/img]


优秀评测额外奖励产品: Noppoo Choc Pro 专业版无冲突机械键盘 红色法拉利POM侧刻限量版(Cherry黑轴)

-USB接口下全无冲,满足你一切需求。 -超耐用POM键帽激光侧刻,外观实用两不误。 -标准104键窄边设计,红色高品质材质法拉利红外壳。 -唯一序列号段限量,满足发烧友的个性需求。


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    zu7dao  2017-10-18 09:14:27
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    LaoQiang  2017-03-30 20:39:53
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    Furious  2017-03-27 11:05:58
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    放肆D找  2017-03-09 19:44:24
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    quwei80  2017-01-17 17:49:27
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    hofbt8t2i7  2013-11-02 19:53:09
    Then,グッチ アフィリエイト, his eyes full of suppression, gone sadly. Al Yiwei Si コーチ staring eyes and looked a long time, as if to see coach does not lie, only gradually, said the disease coach Lacus said you heard of it ? Ah coach that a spiritual depression, but not incurable,グッチ アクセサリー メンズ, if successful, coach 70% certainty can cure your aunt. Why coach listen Lacus say 90% certainty that you can cure coach ? Al Yiwei Si suddenly wary of asking. coach A wry smile, said that not all for Lacus what, you know Lacus how worried sick for your Mody, coach just want Lacus had little easier. Then you are not afraid of failure if the last words, Lacus would be more sad it ? coach Faint smile actually cure the disease rather than to them that your aunt coach coach will do our best to guide you, but in the end can not be cured is that your aunt, and if you can really calm in the face of life, that coach it You have Kazunari sure cure, said Qi Cheng insurance purposes only.Ah, if you are determined aunt, then you can start now, but シャネル バッグ would like to ask you a question. Ask it, can answer coach will tell you. Your aunt does it feel when morbidity ? Aunt pretty wrinkled brow,グッチ バンブー, and said slowly, when in fact the incidence coach not feel a thing,バーバリー メンズ 財布, but after the onset of coach right after the onset of memory that are not, each will find yourself awake later appear in another place,ルイヴィトン 通販, and they will often nosebleeds. After listening to Aunt statement directly transfixed coach Uh, not ah, this and that does not match the performance of the disease ah ! I kept thinking coach frowned. How, and there are questions? Ah,ルイヴィトン 財布 通販, a little problem, your aunt let coach look like it when your disease ? This is not difficult, but you must be sure that you can settle, coach always be able to let you see.In fact coach long ago discovered that if coach mental relaxation or when it will not concentrate onset, that coach now let you see, you can be sure to be careful, according to experienced people say very dangerous. Then, aunts slowly closed his eyes. Card... kawaii ? This is not Japanese... but it did not stop aunt, sounded suddenly do not know where to play traditional Japanese music in the sound of bamboo, and then suddenly toss hair, jumping on one leg with one foot to do a couple of jumping sideways, side Jiliguala jump side also spoke some Japanese, and then stood still splayed feet, hands one after the open, then turned around to head shouted a few too ! Since coach formerly also a anime fans, there are still some aspects of the Japanese base, not to mention the last sentence is obviously too few to Jiraiya Japanese pronunciation ! Jiraiya just matched the kind of fixed opening action, this person is definitely Jiraiya 's right ! coach It is a long time did not turn bend, unsolicited nor is it Naruto manga characters ! How will appear here ? And how would he aunt who ? Ah,バーバリー コート レディース, since there are no cliff, it can be considered that Jiraiya appeared normal,ヴィトン 激安, we say Jiraiya also crossed ? And the aunt who possessed ? God, then what with what ah ? Burst suddenly felt chest itchy hemp, coach bow saw Jiraiya being flushed face feeling wretched concentrate coach chest. coach, Anger, anger completely ! His right hand in a fist wedge Jiraiya head ! Jiraiya squatting on the floor with her head and cried. Hearts of anger subsided a bit, coach speak a few words directly to quell it into Jiraiya off, and threw four to, sprinkle bitter friends. Sac de sac... four Karma... Masaka... ( to... Why... can we say... ) coach Jiraiya said, pointing mouth fell open.相关的主题文章: ?mod=space&uid=38467&do=blog&quickforward=1&id=220396 ?mod=space&uid=660531&do=blog&quickforward=1&id=103484 ?tid=81
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    vipzhk  2013-09-04 16:36:58
    测试啊~ 抢枪更健康 正在发烧中
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    jerry1936  2013-07-25 10:48:12
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    Yom_Kippur  2013-07-24 23:01:54
    新人 来看看
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     2013-05-20 12:36:27
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    iccbox  2013-05-10 20:42:46
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     2013-05-09 09:34:16
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    沙罗双树  2013-05-08 12:40:17
    正在考虑入一个MID87 新人来晚了 只有自掏腰包了~·
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    魂淡丶  2013-05-04 16:23:18
    申请试用NOPPOO的机械键盘论坛ID:魂淡丶现在正在用的外设:键盘:爱旺蓝色背光青轴鼠标:蝰蛇垫子:SK GAMING耳机:西伯利亚V2收藏的外设zowie am zowie ec1 zowie ptf zowie ngf赛锐SK EG KINZU 4H 西伯利亚雷蛇 蝰蛇微软的 IE3.0现在主玩游戏:正版CSGO本人拥有的外设可以浏览过往帖子 如果有幸选中我会附上用心的评测本人近期评测[url][/url][url][/url]
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    求佛不如拜我  2013-04-25 15:39:48
    能申请试用吗?外设新手一枚 我知道没机会申请成功 但是我也要试一试没用过机械键盘子弹有限只能看不能用,有任何机会我都会参加。希望能让我这个小白用下虽然我是小白 外设知识不比那些老鸟少 就是缺少子弹 感谢外设天下
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    地球mayday  2013-04-17 11:34:38
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    小馬哥  2013-04-15 15:45:01
    1.刚刚升入大学,空闲时间增多,此时了解到外设,初级发烧已入鼠标G9X,耳机雷蛇食人鲨,唯独机械键盘正在了解,看看那个牌子的好。纯用玩游戏(FPS类)2.现有凉快薄膜键盘罗技K120和家里面台式机华硕的,没拥有一块机械键盘!能进行薄膜手感和机械键盘手感的对比!依然主打字和FPS类游戏。希望能从一个刚接触机械键盘的人的角度了解一下Noppoo Choc Mid87这款键盘!3.借此机会了解Noppoo这个国产品牌和所谓大家追捧的圣手,鸭子还有国产凯酷PLU的区别
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    二角尘蛛悲剧啊  2013-04-11 15:55:53
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    gatwin  2013-04-08 09:39:17
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    我是你的风  2013-04-03 23:16:32
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